VBS Consult AS

Exam in Norwegian

On the 17th July, 4 nervous Norwegian students showed up at the office in Szczecin. Uncertain of what to expect, they sat down in the classroom, waiting for the examination.

The exam was divided into three parts.

The first part was to test their listening comprehension. They saw an clip from NRK’s Newton program. It was about consumables initially developed for use in space. The task was to answer questions relating to the content.

In the second part they had to read and write. It was set aside three hours for this exercise and all students completed in good time. Among others one exercise was an article about Norwegian work culture, this subject was very interesting and helpful to them.

The third and last part was an oral exam. They held a short presentation of themselves and afterwards they got questions like at a job interview. In addition, they should draw a note with a subject that they should tell about. Several drew the theme “equality between the sexes” and it was interesting to hear their views on this subject.

After the exam, we were all tired and took us for a walk on a terrace and enjoyed the nice weather with good food and a good drink. A nice ending for an intensive course. They were very ready for vacation and to come to Norway to work.

It has been working hard in those three months and they have learned a lot in this short time. 8 hour days at school and home work several hours every night.

All of them passed. Congratulations!